Grimaldi Francesco Maria scientists in Bologna index Malpighi Marcello

Guido Horn d'Arturo     (continued)

Fig. 1: Front cover of Coelum, founded by Horn in 1931.
Credit: Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Astronomia dell'Università degli Studi di Bologna)


Horn d'Arturo founded the magazine Coelum in 1931, being convinced that the astronomer should not lock himself away in an ivory tower but should rather confront questioning from the community and so draw public attention to his subject.

This was the first Italian magazine of astronomy to achieve vast popularity amongst its large number of subscribers, thanks to the simple but never banal tone it used to discuss major topics of astronomy. Coelum outlived Horn and was published until 1986.





(Guido Horn d'Arturo - page 4 of 4)
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